curd duca
elektro-akustic poems.

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creating elektro-acoustic poems applying aesthetic techniques of electronic music to spoken words ... raw material : short texts / lines / words / vocal sound fragments ... self-spoken or sampled from TV, radio, video, CD, street ... these elements can be disassembled / reassembled / manipulated using cuts ... collages ... layers ... loops ... digital processing ... ranging from subtle manipulations leaving the text more or less intact to "cut-up massacres" that leave nothing but abstract sound ... musical elements can be used but the main focus should be the spoken word ...

technical means : computer, sampler, tapes, effects ...

contributions: up to 30 seconds ... the shorter the better ... format: mp3.

format: mp3

material/starting base
through writing, more and more, story telling has experienced a loss of its dimension of sound... in the past, reading silently to oneself was not common and even considered odd... the voice (and sounds in general) can open the relationship to and experience of kinesthetic space...

the participants will take on 2 different roles:

1.) directors... what do I choose? how do I use it? do I speak myself or should I let someone else speak? how should the words be spoken? fast/slow... loud/quiet... controlled/out of breath... what kind of feelings am I trying to convey? is the language German? or klingon?

2.) sound designer... the chosen language-piece will be analyzed as a sound-structure... what sounds/ incisions/ effects support the "artisitic statement"? is it possible to discover something acoustic to add? incisions are possible within the time frame (cuts, turn-arounds, cut-ups, granular sprinkles...)and in the sound (space, effects, overlapping...)

although working with a sampler and a tape recorder are possible, it is recommended, in your approach with the computer (PC or Mac) to use
audio-programs like
cool edit (http://www.cooledit.com/),
wavelab (http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~wavelab/),
peak (http://www.bias-inc.com/peak.html) or dgl...experience with sound
structure is preferred...

the border between language- and noise composition and music is a flowing one... therefore please try to keep some distance... no speaking along to a CD playing in the background... no songs... oif music is used then artistically manipulated or changed... abstracted... in fragments...

media-justified presentation... 80% of communication in non-verbal... the other 20% in the text... quick understanding... if you want to occupy the listener and get them to think then you have to give them a good reason to...

please send files, out of space reasons, in mp3 format... conversion programs can be found on the internet, (for example mp3.com)...

evaluation criteria:
inventiveness and originality in production and sound design ... dadaistc nonchalance ... sophistication in choice of material ... intensity ... emotional charge ... graceful placement in acoustic space ...